Rochester Telephone provides High Speed Internet that works hand in hand with over business phone systems. Never worry about service going down. Our service uses cell phone towers to deliver High speed internet to you. If there was ever an instance where the cell phone tower went down, don’t worry, We triangulate service so there are 2 other towers that will keep service uninterrupted.
High Speed Internet Solutions That Are Right For You..

How do I setup my new router ?
All routers are preconfigured to work right out of the box.
How do I change the password?
Head over to our support page. There are step by step instructions.
How do I cancel service ?
It’s easy, Visit the Customer Login page. Login in and cancel. You service will shut off at the end of the billing cycle. We do not refund days left in your cycle.
Where does my router work?
Check out our coverage map on the left.